
Saturday, January 29, 2005

Kid R.E.M.

Not really a huge fan of the new Kos posters, but every now and then "Kid Oakland" really scores with a magical post. And so he does here. I can do no more than urge everyone that passes through this blog to read it in its entirety. A beautiful essay, as Cooper sets sail over the Atlantic this evening. I wonder what movies flyzoom is offering...

"He looked at me and said, without missing a beat, "There still is. In some places. There still is."

UPDATE: (soon after) - is there a reason for blogging through the wee 5AM hours? Perhaps. But while on the subject, just wanted to hit on another great Kos entry - this time a recommended diary that Cooper himself would salute. These days I find myself both frustrated with Europeans who hold a simplified position on Bush and also an angered position at the Repubs themselves (of course)... So, I guess I'm just looking forward to engaging in such battles full time when the law studies are through... for now, bring on the BOPs. A demain.


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