
Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Back Home Again in St. John's

The last of the important Tuesday primaries tonight for at least a month, and so just a quick report from the Rock befitting the anti-climax it looks likely to be.  The Veep gambit hasn't helped (Carly's most notable contribution so far being this classic clip of her falling off the stage, and Trump mocking Cruz for not helping!).  Ted's unpopularity is hurting him, and the rank and file have just made the decision that enough is enough.  Assuming tonight follows the polls, the fat lady will be bursting to belt into song in California.

Definitely a shame.  The contested convention would have been excellent.  Even so, I suppose, Trump's involvement will add an element that makes it unwatchable regardless.

The current polls that show Clinton trouncing Trump make me nervous.  Hopefully she sails through from now until November.  But inevitably (perhaps) there may come a time when it gets closer, and Trump's unpredictability is a real wild card.  It seems that his unfavourables are a deal-breaker, but this race has totally reinforced the old "expect the unexpected" cliche.  In a year when a 5000 to 1 longshot can win the Premier League (well played Foxes!), it is not a stretch to say that, truly, anything can happen.

As an old Turkish flatmate of a friend once memorably said: "Time will show."


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